Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 Postings that never were

I look at the drafts I have waiting to be written and posted from last year...oye! Since it looks like I won't ever get to them, here is a little list and a blurb of things I was GOING to blog about:
(also I have spent too much time trying to format this and I give up)

Aidan's 4th bday party - June
As you can see, I did the Martha Stewart thing and made Aidan's cake - it is a Stegosaurus in case you couldn't tell. Not sure Martha would approve but Aidan loved it! I will definitely try again...depending on what he wants!

All Aidan's friends showed up for outside fun, bbq, water slide, jump house, and crazy kid running around.

The pinata took awhile to break but the kids had fun trying, then the traditional scramble to get all the candy!

Can't believe next time he will be 5!

Trip to the Great Wolf Lodge - July
With Jim being out of work we didn't take many vacations, but decided to take a "staycation" at the Great Wolf Lodge which is an hour from us. It is a giant place with an indoor water park, arcade, restaurants, etc. All based around family and kid fun. Aidan wasn't brave enough to go on the big slides but they still had fun playing in the water. Aidan also got to have his own "wolf cave" with a bunk bed all to himself! Definitely a fun place to go close by.

4th of July!
Our great friends - Leisa, Jason and baby Corbin - came up from Portland for a visit! This was our first meeting with Corbin and he is a total doll! So great to spend time with friends we don't get to see often.

Aidan plays soccer
Aidan started outdoor soccer this year - played indoor in the fall. He is a natural - but needs to work on paying attention to the coach! He enjoyed indoor more because they actually got to play "matches". Basically it is a room full of screaming kids running after the ball - no matter which way it goes. Very amusing!

Aidan has surgery
For years, due to sleep apnea issues, we have been watching Aidan's tonsils to see if he would grow into their huge size...but finally at 4 we decided to see an ENT. He suggested that Aidan get his tonsils and adenoids out. They told us it would be a rough 10 days and boy, they were NOT kidding!
Days of crying, not sleeping, popsicles that were too cold, not cold enough, wrong flavor, wrong everything! Plus the fits over taking his meds! ugh...
But Aidan recovered quickly after that and actually has grown 2 inches and gained 6 lbs in just 6 mos! He is an extremely quiet sleeper now so should be getting much better sleep these days - if only that would have reflected more in his daily behavior!
(first pic is waiting for surger, 2nd is post op...looks happy huh?)

Trip to meet Hannah and other old friends
Hannah is the daughter of Carrie, who grew up with my best friend Julie, thatI have recently become friends with. Hannah is a very sick little girl (you can see her story through the button on my blog's home page) but her birthday was in July and the family was going to be in Tarzana so we were able to meet in person and celebrate Hannah's 1st bday!
Makena had a great time meeting everyone and playing with Hannah's older sister Abby. I was honored to be able to be there for that very important milestone in Hannah's life!
While down there I also got to meet up with Julie and a very old friend from Jr. High - Jody. We went to the beach with the kids - Makena's first trip - and had a blast! So great to reconnect with Jody. I also snuck in a quick visit to my other dear friends The Randazzos. Makena instantly fell in love with Joe and wouldn't get off his lap. It was a great weekend!

The zoo and the Puyallup Fair - Sept
Jim's Aunt Jeannine and Uncle Bill were in town so we met up with them at the Woodland Park Zoo. They also came to stay with us for a night and went on a hike with Aidan and Jim. Great visit!
The Puyallup Fair comes around every September and we always try to go. Kids love seeing all the animals and Aidan is now into the rides. Makena went on her first pony ride and didn't want to get off!

My 4oth bday
Ugh. That said it was a great weekend! My bffs Julie and Cara came up to celebrate. Julie from SF and Cara all the way from VA! We had some much needed girl time while they were here. My local friends came out to celebrate and karaoke as well. Thanks everyone for making the start of my demise a memorable one!

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