Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

The Saturday before Tgiving Jim surprised me by taking me out to dinner and a movie. Of course, while we were out, Aidan was horsing around with the babysitter and ended up face planting into a wooden side table. Bad....we won't know for a bit but there is a good possibility his front tooth (that was already chipped) and the next one over may fall out or have to be taken out. They are loose but seem to be doing ok. He goes back for another xray later this month.

We went down to my parent's house in So Cal for Thanksgiving. Decided to go a couple days early so we could take the kids to the Natural History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pits. Both kids really enjoyed it even though the museum dino exhibit was not out since it is being redone. The Page Museum (tar pits) had a bunch of skeletons from the Ice Age which Aidan loved looking at.

My sister Melissa and her boyfriend Ben came from New York. My grandparents and Aunt also drove up from Riverside and Yucaipa. This was the first time my grandparents had met Makena so that was great. We had a wonderful dinner and it was great to spend time with my family. The two things missing were my sister, Cyndi who couldn't make it down, and my other Grandfather who recently passed away.

Also got to visit some of my long time friends which is always fun. And there is a park near my parents so we went there a couple times to get the kids out of the house. Of course the weather was great...except for the wind!

The one negative thing was that both my kids got bit by my parents dog. Of course we can't have a trip without any injuries can we? Nothing bad but not fun for either. Makena is still talking about it ("hunter bite").

The kids did wonderfully on both plane rides so that is always a relief.

In about three weeks we get to do it all again, but this time to Colorado for Xmas!

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